24/7 remote monitoring - instant support with instant access24/7 remote monitoring - instant support with instant access

24/7 remote monitoring - instant support with instant access

By renting a printer with RelaxRate, we will be able to monitor its operation remotely. This means that we will always know the status of your printer. So, when you contact us with any request, our team will already have all the information needed to address the issue.
Our RelaxRate customers receive printers that use machine-to-machine communication. This connection relays all relevant system data in real-time to our support team.This allows us to quickly find out what has happened and get you printing again with minimal disruption of your day. 
Remote issue resolving1. Remote issue resolving
Reduce the need for on-site repairs. Most issues can be resolved remotely. If an on-site visit is required, having precise data means our field engineers arrive optimally prepared.
Printer is always uptime2. Printer is always uptime
Machine uptime is maximised. Real-time data enables us to analyse and solve problems, check individual parts’ lifetime, and act proactively before a breakdown.
New features coming3. New features coming
New features and security patches are updated as soon as they’re available.

What security measures are in place with 24/7 remote monitoring ?


Step 1

The remote connection securely relays system data to a remote monitoring agent.

Step 2

This data passes through a secure Konica Minolta server and to a Support Staff Console.

Step 3

Our support team diagnoses and remotely repairs your printer.

How does it work?

Error code appears on your printer 1. Error code appears on your printer
Our printers are monitored 24/7. If during these checks, any issues occur the device will alert you with an error message.
Reach out to Konica Minolta Service Team2. Reach out to Konica Minolta Service Team
Once you receive this alert, just reach out to our Konica Minolta support team. You can do this by raising a Service ticket via our customer portal.
Direct Remote Support3. Direct Remote Support
As soon as our team recieve this ticket we will deliver the support required. This may be done remotely or on site by one of our experienced technicians.
Back to business - Issue solved!4. Back to business - Issue solved!
Once the repair is complete you can return to printing as usual! The printer will continue to monitor 24/7 and will raise an alert if needed.
Get your printer with RelaxRate

Get your printer with RelaxRate

You can get a range of customer benefits including Remote Monitoring and more by renting a printer with RelaxRate. Take a look at our RelaxRate packages and rent your desired printer at a fixed monthly fee.
Find out more about RelaxRate
Let’s talk about your printing. Feel free to contact us!
Diana Veinberga
Diana Veinberga